Anonymous asked this question on 4/29/2000:
An old roommate owes my money and I really need it. If I cast a spell to induce it to give it to me is that violating the principle of free will?
faeryshaman gave this response on 4/30/2000:
Dear Anonymous,
You are quite right to worry that such a spell will interfere with this person's free will. In fact, it is a sort of rule of thumb that if you feel uncomfortable doing a particular spell you should probably not do it.
I am assuming that your roommate owes you money because you have been openhearted, kind and generous. Please, do not allow this person to change your nature. The world needs folks like you.
On the other hand - you should get your money. So this is what I would do. I would cast a spell of increase for my own pocket book (or wallet). Place some basil in your wallet or change purse at the new moon, with the intention of increasing the money in it, and you will be surprised at the result.
Or ask yourself this question - If your roommate had more money would they pay you? If they would you may wish to do a spell - at the new moon so that you have the power of increase working with you - to increase your roommate's prosperity. Or you may cast a spell that will bring found money to you for the amount owed. All of these will work without doing harm and the rede is: An it harm none do as ye will.
(I have taken time to reply to your question. Please, return the favour and take the time to rate my answer. I do appreciate it.)
One hundred thousand blessings to you and yours, Tira of the Grove
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