Anonymous asked this question on 4/22/2000:
I have been reading about your faith and enjoyed very much what Ive read. I'm a gay man living in the USA. What are your views on Homosexuality? Can I be A memeber of your faith with out changing? Thank you for any help.
NaturesQuestHPS gave this response on 4/25/2000:
Merry Meet; My name is AsilaRose, and I am an ordained 3rd Degree, Wiccan High Priestess, and Overseer of Natures Quest Coven in Rome, NY.
We as Wiccans do not judge any one for their personal views, sexuality,disabalities, whether they are male or female, or any other reason. We are all equals in the Lord and Lady's eyes. We are judged on our actions, and are accountable for them. And as long as you follow your path and live your life always remembering the Main tenent of Wicca "AND IT HARM NONE, DO AS YOU WILL" and you respect yourself, others, and all of nature, you are fine.
If I can be of any further help please do not hesitate to write
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thank you