Zelda_of_Arel asked this question on 4/25/2000:
Merry Met!
I would like to get some general info on rituals. Like, can I dance? If yes, how? I'm a lonely witch, so help me.
Merry Part, Zelda
NaturesQuestHPS gave this response on 4/25/2000:
Zelda; Merry Meet, my name is AsilaRose, I am an ordained 3rd Degree Wiccan High Priestess, and the Coven Overseer of Natures Quest Coven in Rome, NY. I am also a Religious teacher.
No need for lonleness, there are many of us out here for support. Yes, you can certainly dance at rituals. In many of our Rituals we sing, chant, and dance. It is good to enjoy Rituals, and the beauty of our religion is participation. As for Rituals, We have 8 Sabbats, 4 lesser, and 4 greater. We also hold rituals on the NEW and FULL moons, for Weddings(handfastings), Wiccanings, etc. Is there a specific ritual you wish to learn about? Please feel free to write me anytime.
Zelda_of_Arel rated this answer a 5.