sfh822 asked this question on 4/13/2000:
I would like to know if anyone of you are worried that this particular interest is detrimental to whether or not you will go to heaven or hell,most people would say you are seeking spirit -ualism. Please respond a.s.a.p very interesting topic.
safariwitch gave this response on 4/13/2000:
Dear sfh822, Wicca, (witchcraft) is sinply an earth based religion. It revolves around the worship of the elements. Air, Fire, Water and Earth. There is no reason for any practicing Wiccan (witch) to fear not going to heaven. We are there now, there is no reason to fear hell there is no such place. We base our lives on love and doing the good for all mankind. We just believe in Goddess and the God. Would think a Buddest would go to hell for not believing in a Christian God? or a Jew for not accepting Jesus as their saviour? Of course not so why should a Wiccan fear hell. Blessed Be safari
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