thatyrj asked this question on 4/10/2000:
I've been studying religions and faiths for about ten years. I've pretty much got who believes in what. Wicca however, still seems to be "calling" me. The problem is I live in a country in which that kind of "religion" is not very easy to study. Brazil is a majorly catholic nation and, trust me, I've looked, but I haven't found any covens much less anyone to talk to about this. How do I start out in this solitary path? Is there any basic literature I should read? How do I know that wicca is really "right" for me? Are only people of nordic ascent capable of the practice? If anyone out there can help.... I'll be truly grateful :) Thanks!!
Choalayna gave this response on 4/13/2000:
First of all, I commend you on your studies of other religions. So many come into Wicca with just the knowledge of what they were raised with and no further investigation of other religions. The fact that Wicca seems to resonate with you after all the other investigations shows you may have found your path. Now, what to do when everyone around you is very Xtian and no books or may resources for you in your area. The next best place is the internet. There are thousands, literally, thousands of sites on the net. Some you will come to learn, are made up simply because someone wanted to say I have a website. Some are in fact actually very informative without saying "this MUST be done" or that "MUST" be the way. With Wicca, there are many, many paths in which to follow. Your job would be to flesh out the good stuff and learn how to incorporate it into your life. Many books are available at Amazon and LLewellyn (watch those ones tho, some are just authors wanting to be published without any real work involved on their part). Learn about the history of Wicca first. From there you can then figure out which way in which you wish to follow. There are many, many more solitaires I believe than there are covens and being where you are, there are probably more than you realize. Solitaires have the advantage of following their own ways. Some pick and choose from a variety of paths and mesh it all together to form their own sort of following, that is what is most enjoyable about this path. Find a good few sites to learn about it, then go deeper with the tools, the celebrations, the ways of the Wicca. I have a feeling you will find what is right for you. And yes, anyone of any ethnic background can be Wicca.
hope this helped!
Choalayna EnchanteD EncounterS
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