Anonymous asked this question on 3/27/2000:
I am Wicca myself. But I would like to hear opinions and experiences of that damnable area of gray we have in the Harm None... Suppose, you know someone whom you care for or know is on a one way ride down the road of destruction but refuses any help from you and has stated explicitely, no permission?
LadyCatW gave this response on 3/28/2000:
Your particular example - to my mind - is not a grey area. They have rejected any and all help from you both physically and magickally.
"Harm None" is about responsibility. And it is about sane compassion. Your friend here is specifically wanting to "go it alone" - and wants NO interferance. All you can do as a responsible Witch is to stand in readiness for when (and if) they should change their mind.
This does not mean that you can't pray to your Diety (or Dieties) requesting that they look out for your friend. Leave it in the hands of the Divine at this point. If at some point your friend backs down from their individualistic stance, then you can intervene. Also, if you know what face of the Divine that your friend follows, you could also ask Him/Her/Them to watch out and guide your friend through this troubled time.
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