Anonymous asked this question on 3/27/2000:
I am Wicca myself. But I would like to hear opinions and experiences of that damnable area of gray we have in the Harm None... Suppose, you know someone whom you care for or know is on a one way ride down the road of destruction but refuses any help from you and has stated explicitely, no permission?
Ginamonster gave this response on 3/27/2000:
I can see where you might percieve a grey area. after all, few things are just "black and white" But I have to agree that without permission, especially since you have been told, "No permission" that the only thing you can do is be supportive of a more positive lifestyle and send that positive loving energy. It is hard to see a loved one spirling downward. But remember that it is thier life to learn and the gods do work in mysterious ways. You may not be seeing the whole picture, being on the outside. This could be a test for you too. can you keep your mitts out? it's had. I don't even like to intervene in my own life!!(magically that is) Sometimes the road to destruction is the path to salvation. It is this person't chosen way. Who are we to say it is not correct for them?
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