LadyCatW asked this question on 2/26/2000:
I have had discussions - both on and offline - in regards to a crisis of faith within Wicca.
In my experience, it very much relates to what you believed as you grew up. One who was raised a Christian, but follows another path in adulthood may tend to "fear hell" - whereas someone raised as an athiest or agnostic will more "fear delusion."
What are your experiences? And how do you deal with them?
darthmaul_82 gave this response on 3/2/2000:
well i was raised as a christian but felt that i was missing a really important part of me so i went to catholism same problem there but then a friend told me about tarot cards and ppsysic abilities i cant spell today ..... then i had to do a report on pre-christian religions....i discovered paganism and then witchcraft and finally WICCA i never feared hell for i always doubted it existed i never wanted heaven because it is not real .... i believed in reincarnation since birth so naturally i love my religion because it have everything i believe the horned one and the goddess i always believed in more than one god ....i also believe in magick ....this and i really dislike the teachings of christianity against blacks, gays, bi-sexuals, and other types of people. i believe that all are equal and nature is our boss because it is too powerful for us to be in control these are the reasons why i am WICCAN
p.s. rate me and respond a.s.a.p. blessed be, Joseph
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