Anonymous asked this question on 1/13/2000:
Sorry for my ignorance, but can someone share with me more about Wicca? Is it a religion or a belief? Its history? Any websites I can visit? Please share with me more.
Thank you and have a nice day :)
blackelve1 gave this response on 2/3/2000:
Merry Meet,
Wicca is a religion and a belief. Wicca is one way of saying that the person has a different way of thinking in the Path of Earth. Instead of one God, there is the Goddess, the Mother of us all, and dieties. Dieties are different Goddess's and God's that help guide the witch in her life...from gardening to healing.
Wicca is one of the oldest religions on Earth. It dates back further then Cleopatra even.
People whom are involved with Wicca, believe that life should be treated openly and freely. That each creature deserves to live. They live by a rede... What you do comes back three folds.
In otherwords...what you do will come back to you..if not in this lifetime then the next.
Wicans do not believe in the christian God or Satan. Evil is only in the heart of men and men are responsible for their behaivors.
A couple good sites to check would be From there you can find many great sites that will help guide you through your search.
Bright Blessings.
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Thank you :)