Anonymous asked this question on 1/31/2000:
Do you believe in a higher power and by what name is he called.
earthen_crescent gave this response on 2/2/2000:
We believe in a higher power but ours is divided into two deities, a God and a Goddess. This religion is the rebirth of one that has been around since the beginning of time, and has been passed down from culture to culture so many times that there is no one name for these deities. The God is sometimes called The Horned God, because he represents the abundance of animal life on Earth. This was the basis for the Christian devil because the God rules the dark half of the year (Winter). But, despite popular belief, there is no heaven or hell in Wicca, and therefore no one to rule them :) The Goddess is divided into three parts, the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. These names also vary but their principle purposes remain the same. The Maiden is the guider of journeys, the Mother is the nurturer and life giver, and the Crone prepares us for our journey out of this life and into our next.