Wayne Whitney's Postings: Number 100 In The Collection

From wwhit71151@aol.com Sun May 25 23:44:04 1997
Subject: Re: Key to Life Course
Date: 25 May 1997 21:44:04 GMT
Message-ID: <19970525214401.RAA09254@ladder02.news.aol.com>

In article <3384eab5.2598164@news.dds.nl>, hubbard@dds.nl wrote:

>I dug up the following. Would like to know very much if in your
>opinion this is what's really happening with "students" on the
>KTL/LOC course. By the way, I apologize in advance for the strange
>headers - due to german (evil psyches!) software I used in those days..
>Organisat. : Anonymous forwarding service
>Empfaenger : alt.religion.scientology
>Msg-ID : 112348Z24031996@anon.penet.fi
>Datum : So 24.03.96, 11:21
>Groesse : 3420 Bytes
>Absender : an517484@anon.penet.fi (Voice of the Silenced)
>Betreff : Re: Key to Life
>On 20 Mar 1996, Koreenb@aol.com (Koreen B) wrote:

>> The Key To Life course is one that addresses grammar as well as spiritual
>> aspects of communication. Scientologists believe it is important to
>> improve one's ability to communicate., and that this one thing alone can
>> improve the quality of life and a person's happiness (there is of course
>> more things that can increase happiness and quality too).

> This course breaks down the entire semantic and thought structure
>of an individual. In the processing part, in the beginning, they are
>made to do "clay demonstrations" which reduce them to a child-like
>state. They then have to re-learn each and every small common word,
>after which, grammar is re-programmed into them, according to
>El Con's definitions. The course takes a very long time, and they
>use Method 9 to indoctrinate the pcs. Method 9 entails reading each
>and every page aloud, and stopping each time the person stumbles, to
>look for and clear the misunderstood wood. The course is done with a
>"twin", or partner. The person's entire thought process is taken away
>from them, and then re-built into what Hubbard thought it should be.

Yes, they do make you clear (and often re-clear MANY times) a ton of small common words using basically a child's dictionary. It's a very stupid and time-consuming activity. I didn't notice any re-programming at this point as all the definitions seemed to be consistent with the correct ones. But then since I had to 'clear' the words (as opposed to just looking them up) it's entirely possible that I wasn't able to notice that the definitions were changed on me.

Yes, you do work with a twin and your activities and thoughts are controlled to the point where you are prevented from thinking about what you are reading. You're expected to just accept it all AS IS.

> An exam is taken at the end of the grammar section. Anything less
>than 95% means that both twins have to go back and re-do the whole
>lot. Nothing other than total "duplication" is accepted. Then, there
>is the last clay table auditing process, where a person has to do
>certain things until they have realised that they can "get" (receive)
>any concept. They can therefore "duplicate".

> The fact that they are now wide open to suggestions, wide open to
>implanting, the fact that they have lost their *entire* original
>thought process, and all the semantic structures that are their OWN
>have been irretrievably removed, makes them candidates for accepting
>any piece of data that the "Church" feeds them.

Yes, this was my experience. You pretty much have to demonstrate that you will accept WITHOUT QUESTION anything they put in front of you. They treat everyone as small children who are completely unable to think for themselves. From there they try to completely remold your thinking process and view of the world. That course is DEFINITLY NOT what they advertize it to be. Take it from someone who went through it.

Fortunately for me the tech was so unworkable that it failed to work as intended. Being forced to use Blubbard's 'study tech' I finally went totally blank and their attempts to brainwash me came to a screeching halt. I became so frustrated with and was so humiliated by KTL that it was the final straw that made me blow the Oo$. They tried like hell to break me, now they can just watch the results of their failed efforts when I'm out in front picketing them.

> The Key to Life course has taken hypnosis procedures to a new
>level of refinement unsurpassed by anything yet produced by El Con.
>This course, taken in full with the mandatory "Life Orientation"
>course, produces obedient and dedicated Scientologists who view the
>world and reality from a framework that is not their own. Probably why
>so few break away from Scientology, these days.
> Very few people realise what is being done to them on these
>courses. VERY few. So, of course they will write wins. Something has
>irrevocably changed within them. They think it is good, it feels nice
>to have had something removed, which makes them very close to their
>fellow Scientologists. The adrenaline rush of getting through
>something that takes that long, as well as the adulation and
>admiration of their fellow cultists, all goes to enhance this.

Yes, I watched this happen to others who were taking that course. The silly wins that were posted on the bullitenboard right outside the door pretty much showed how derailed some of them were becoming.

> They just do not know what it is they have lost. They have lost
>their OWN minds. In total. And it is interesting that the Key to Life
>and Life Orientation courses are now PRE-REQUISITES for admission to
>the OT Levels.