How could it possibly be this fucking indisputably, irrevocably bad?
I mean, we expected at least a plot line and a few decent reviews, didn't we? We thought the tech might at least produce something teenagers could watch without laughing. We thought they would sell at least a few Terl dolls with subliminal messages in the soundtrack.
I mean, certain people were prepared to do a little picketing, and then just decided it wasn't worth the trouble...there would be no audience waiting outside the theater anyway.
There was talk about a sequel, which it's obvious will never happen. In truth, I think this is the sequel. I think Battlefield Earth is the sequel to the Snow White trial, run in reverse, with unintentional subliminal messages to the effect that Scientology sucks. Seriously. they would have done better if Koos had produced and starred in it, and Garry Scarff had been the publicist.
Congratulations, critics, and in particular to FACTnet for putting out the "subliminals" rumor so adeptly. It was a cosmic joke with a great punch line, serving as humor fodder for better than 100 movie reviewers. They had a ball with it.
John Travolta, one must admit, had an easy target for this footbullet, what with those big boots he wore. Or did something else possibly get in the way of his target? At this point, who cares?
It will be at least another thousand years before they live this one down.