christinahust asked this question on 3/23/2000:
should the US be able to take the second citicenship away from people who commit a crime? sould we be able to kick these people out of the country and not allow them to have the priviledges of an american citizen?
d_ottr gave this response on 3/25/2000:
To obtain citizenship is to relinquish citizenship in another place. So therefore, if a person were actually a CITIZEN, it seems to me that they would be punished internally, by our penal systems, rather than suffering a loss of citizenship.
On the other hand, if the person is an alien residing in the US, then he would be subject to possible deportation (which is likely) in the event of conviction of some crimes, but may be prosecuted under our courts for other crimes.
I hear from so many people that visit our area, a resort area, that they are here away from the city, and just trying to have a good time. They feel they can do whatever they wish, with impunity, just because they are not at home. Well, when you visit another land, your good time (or livelihood) should not include criminal behavior, lest you wind up in an unsavory situation!
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