Anonymous asked this question on 1/12/2000:
My Question:
What would you do to handle a situation concerning a family member who is so far behind on child support that he is literally at sea hiding out from the police?
I would hate to see him in prison, he just isn't the type to survive, being somewhat unaware of reality and with a slightly sarcastic attitude and mouth, I am sure he would be dead or hurting seriously through major beatings. He seems to me a bit naive in a sense concerning social circumstances, and I want to protect him, but at the same time this cannot go on forever so I feel like pushing the issue by letting the authorities know of his whereabouts and making him face the esponsibility he has, also I am sure a judge would understnad he cannot afford to pay it all at once, this is the main reason he is hiding out...he is afraid of a theory that he has that no judge will give him a chance to work it out through payments and a strict probation, he is sure they will just arbitrarily throw him away and discard the key while he is behind bars. I wish he would come forward because my sense of duty not only to the law but also to the child makes me a little bit angry with him for not dealing with this and instead running away like he was a child himself. I feel guilty for even thinking of turning him in, but then again I do not have to do it...yet if I did it would bother me forever don't you think? He would know it was me too because I am the only one in the family that knows his whereabouts.
How would I deal with the wrath of the family as well? he would hate me forever and turn everyone against me.
Please help, I am truly at a loss on this, and also it is beginning to affect my health, I can't sleep anymore and sometimes I feel like I can't breathe.
blue_eyes_33 gave this response on 1/14/2000:
An individual whoo is far behind on child support is not goimng to go to jail at all. As a matter of fact most states will come up with a settlement rather than go to court. My advise to you is to give this information to your realitive and if he still refuses to face his obligation to his child/children then it would be ethical for you to notify the autorities. I myselff have been waiting for 13 years to get child support for my daughter. California came up with a settlement amount and obtained a court order. I hope this has been of some help to you.
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Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
Thank you Blue Eyes, this is what I needed to hear! :)