Anonymous asked this question on 5/15/2000:
I'm pretty sure that zoloft does not cause weight gain as one of its side effects but I want to be sure. I'm on zoloft currently.
pain1 gave this response on 5/15/2000:
You would be wrong to think that any drug in the same family as Zoloft won't cause weight gain.
They can do either that or the opposite. It is all about how they affect your mind. If they perk you up, and thereby make you more active you apite may return, and often we depressives have odd eating habbits, and all at the wrong times too. On the other hand they can mellow you and this will not change you feeding habbits, well that is not really true they can suppress them.
If you weight has changed a lot, either way, or if it is up and down, the yo yo effect, call back to your doctor and check if you should change to another drug from the same family, one that has been known to have the opposite efect it is having on you.
Don't worry either way, it is all controlable but just needs monortoring.
Good luck to you and will all be fine.
Dave (UK)
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