Anonymous asked this question on 4/29/2000:
I feel like I have been locked up forever. My feelings are just know started to come out. I'm not sure if what I am feeling is depression or if it is something else. My family has treated me bad for a long time. I haven't ever said anything because I didn't know how and now that I have told a couple people I feel said and lonely all the time like no one understands. I guess what I need is probably someone just to talk to and understand me. I don't think that someone who is 16 should feel this way. Maybe someone can help me. Bye
siobhan gave this response on 5/9/2000:
I know what you're going through, It's an Awakening, arealization of what the world and life is really about. You've taken the rose coloured glasses off and you don't like what you see.... Youre right about talking to people about what youre feeling. If you don't have friends to talk to then talk to a therapist or even a scool counsellor because I think youre lucky int heat i think youre specific situation can benefit from counselling, I think it will really help you because a professional will be able to put it in perspective for you, look at it objectively and educate you about what youre afeeling and why, you'll be that much more enlightened and gain more insight into yourself. Youre not too young to feel as you do, I had a sever depression when I was 16, it can happen to anyone whether youre popular, have a perfect family life or whatever. Depression sees no barriers. Take care and keep talking . you can write me anytime. Sincerely, siobhan