AnnieS asked this question on 5/1/2000:
Hi Paul, I'm a 36 year old female with a history of drug and alcohol abuse(12 to 25), several dysfunctional relationships, sexual abuse (11), rape (21). I have since been clean and sober for 11 years, been through extensive psychotherapy (of which, was very beneficial), I was relationship -less for 5 years and became very successful and independent throughout that time. My question is this: up until very recently I believed (and have been diagnosed with), Major Depression. I can remember feeling depressed as far back as I'm able to remember. My mother's description of my moods is; "you're up & down, Up & down." My best friend of 34 years has always sworn I was bipolar, and everyone else is always saying, "you're so moody." Until very recently, I wouldn't even entertain the idea of bipolar (nor have any of the therapists), because of what I, and they, thought was an absence of manic episodes. I hang on to my "happy times" for dear life. They don't last long, and I'm never sure why they're there. But up until now I never questioned why, I just anxiously grabbed onto those very brief periods and was so happy to have them. During these times, I can't sleep for very long periods of time, if I get to sleep much before dawn at all. I can be feeling so happy one moment, and irritable almost to the point of rage the next. Recently I read about bipolar 2. Do you think there is a possibility that I have this type of bipolar? I do feel like I'm on a mood roller coaster most of the time, and I can swing in and out of these moods so rapidly, and for no apparent reason. Up until now I have refused medication for the depression, but am beginning therapy again to explore the possibility of medication. It seems to have worsened over the past two years and I'm not so sure I can handle it without meds anymore. I want to discuss the possibility of the bipolar with my new psychologist, but would appreciate as many opinions and as much input as I can get before I go. Anything you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Annie S
snowbird gave this response on 5/2/2000:
From what you are saying, it would seem to me that you are bi-polar, but the depression seems to control most of your life. Bi-polar has varying time lapses between swings. It can be controlled with medication.
I have, also, started using a balanced nutritional program to control mine to the extent that I am almost to the point that I can cut back on my medications.
When you talk to your psychologist, tell him at least all that you have told me and maybe go into further detail. I feel that you will get a good handle on what all is going on and find out if it is more important to deal mostly with the depression or both. Depression, also, isn't a constant state, so maybe that is all that is going on.
If you have further questions and/or comments, please feel free to contact me at any time.
Blessings in all that you do.
AnnieS asked this follow-up question on 5/2/2000:
Thank you for responding so quickly. Could you possibly forward me some information on the nutritional program you mentioned. I would be eager to try anything that may help (especially with the depression). It's getting very bad, as I mentioned earlier. I have been very reluctant to try the meds for fear of becoming active in my addictions again, and would appreciate anything you could offer as an alternative to the meds. The ONLY reason I'm considering the meds now, is because the depression is consuming my entire life. Thanks again. Annie S.
snowbird gave this response on 5/2/2000:
Some sites to look at are: for products and for information.
If you have questions about products, you can contact me at my e mail address.
snowbird gave this follow-up answer on 5/2/2000:
Some sites to look at are: for products and for information.
If you have questions about products, you can contact me at my e mail address.
The average rating for this answer is 5.
AnnieS rated this answer a 5.
Thank yoyu for responding so quickly. Could you possibly forward me some information on the nutritional program you mentioned. I'd be eager to try anything that could possibly help (especially with the depression). It's getting very bad as I mentioned earlier, and I'd appreciate anything you could offer as an alternative to meds. I've refused the meds over the years for fear of becoming active in my addictions again. The ONLY reason I'm considering the meds now is because the depression has become so bad that it's consuming my entire life. Thank you again. Annie S.