Anonymous asked this question on 4/25/2000:
Hello all I wanted to comment on all the bantering and bickering going on in this forum and some of the other forums here at PLEASE STOP! This is a place where people are asking for help. Whatever opinions or suggestions you have for the people posting questions should remain just as that. Debates can be held elsewhere. The person asking the question can CHOOSE on their own what advice they want to take seriously. Ratings and your standing should not be such a big issue especially NOT in these types of forums. I look through these forums hoping to find a similar problem as mine and guess what?! ALL I read are these little side comments about other experts and hostile remarks. IT does not HELP me or others who are in need of support and advice! These differences of opinion or insults can be posted privately or even better can be ignored (since we do not know each other intimately and we do have other lives than this on the forum)...There is no need for insulting remarks in open posts or whether or not ECT works or if psychiatry is B.S....that is for the individual to decide not by the "EXPERT" (who we all agree can be just anybody!)... Please stop and return this forum back to it's natural state. Give your own honest advice and move on with your life. Thanks.
kinghappy gave this response on 4/25/2000:
The average rating for this answer is 5.
Anonymous rated this answer a 5.