Anonymous asked this question on 4/19/2000:
hi, I read your bio and felt compelled to write and ask - how long have you known about the root of your troubles and how have you dealt with it --- I have been dealing with depression for 6 years, pretty well, but lately I feel the old symptoms coming back and some that never left (self-wounding and overeating) are bothering me more. I think I'm afraid to discover 'what's next' and yet I don't want to live like this - discouraged, with less energy and compulsions propelling me through my day... I'd appreciate hearing any advice - such as did you pursue therapy, what medications you take if any... I was in therapy and have been out for nearly four years. I take 100mgs of zoloft a day, and have for about 6 years (twice I tried going off and found myself back in a huge rut/destructive mode). Thank you in advance for your help.
jenifertracy gave this response on 4/19/2000:
hello, i'll tell you my statistics. i am on 200 mgs. of livox a day. i have previosly been on zoloft and paxil. i go off my medicine, because i think i am all better, every few months. it sucks. i go crazy, become miserable and self obsessed. i have been on medicine for 5 years and wonder when i will get off it. the medicine does not really help me feel happy, it just elevates me to a point where i can function. once i was able to function, i then tried my hardest to get help.. lots of therapy! i really worked on all my problems (insecurities, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive behavior). i have had my medicine increased from 50 mgs. to where i am now, slowly at about 25 mgs. at a time. so, this shows that there must be some tolerance thing going on, or chemical change in my body. i am really living a happy and serene life for the most part today. i am still a crazy person for the most part, but i do not overeat or harm myself. that is a huge piece of recovery for me. most important in all this has been the great friends in my life who have really sttod by me, and helped me through. these friends are people who understand depression and have been through it themselves. look into support groups, you might fond help there. i would suggest getting back into therapy. write out your goals and objectives, what you want to get out of therapy. then interview theraists, and see how they propose to help you with your goals. i have reaLIZED that i needed serious help about 6 years ago. i got on meds 5 years ago. and have been in and out of therapy for 12 years. ouch! finally about 6 years ago i got serious about working on my issues,and exploring what they were. it has been a long road, but worth the sanity i feel today. i hope my round about answers helped you a bit. write back for more advice or to chat if needed. jenifer
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Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
Thank you for your help. I will check back as I get further along, looking for a therapist, checking on medicines. Thank you again.