Anonymous asked this question on 4/17/2000:
Is there anything I can do to allay my depression? Somedays are better than others,but sometimes I find it hard to even get out of bed in the morning.
mariana056 gave this response on 4/17/2000:
Dear anonymous, I have read all the responses, and they have great suggestions, I just wanted to add a couple of my own, since I have been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder four years ago. I am not sure about your history, you really did not give enough information and if this continues to be a problem where you miss work, or going out with friends and family I do suggest going to see a professional. But there is also a seasonal depressive disorder, which strikes when seasons change and the weather is not stable, it is also called the occasional blues and no matter how depressed you are, it will go away when the weather stabilizes. Try meditation, or relaxation exersises at night to clear your thoughts and your mind, and try it in the morning, it will help you center yourself and prepare yourself for the day. If you have never done it before, go to the library and get a book on tape and try one or two, it might help, I know it has helped me a lot. Try to keep a journal or an art journal where you let your feelings out through drawings or even just doodling helps. hope you will feel better and i hope you find my answer useful
The average rating for this answer is 4.4.
Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
Thankyou,dear. yes very helpful.