Anonymous asked this question on 4/25/2000:
I am currently researhing antisocial and self-destrutive behaviors. If you could supply me with a synopsis of possible traits/behaviors, as well as some referance material, it would be a great help.
Thanks in advance
Imhere2listen_help gave this response on 4/26/2000:
No problem. I'm happy to help you. To get the Diagnostic Criteria of Certain personality disorders can be done, by going to yahoo, typing in personality disorders, and there you will find a plethera of information. Also, If you take a look at the Millon Inventories, which is a professional manual discussing personality disorders, you will find a lot of information. A LOT! I have my own copy, so I know that it's there. I hope this helps. Good luck on your research, if you want to look up some of the information, and still have some points you wish to discuss, feel free to write me back. You know where I am :-) please rate my answer even if you think it is bad, because that is how askme. sees if I'm helping anyone or not. Thanks.
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