Anonymous asked this question on 7/10/2000:
I've been with my b/f for 9 months... we've had sex in alot of different ways and places... I don't tell him this very often but i can't really feel his penis inside me that much... its not small its average size... so whats wrong with me?? THANKS
Silvrain gave this response on 7/11/2000:
You want to know something? I am an expert, and I have the same problem. You have probably very rarely or ever experienced a real orgasm. I sought out a gynocologist, to ask her this very question. She explained to me, as I will explain to you, that some women have an unusually small clitoris. It makes it harder for the woman to get aroused, resulting in an orgasm. Women aren't stimulated by the actual penis in the vagina, but by the arousing of the clitoris. There is nothing wrong with you. Maybe try some forplay to get you aroused before you begin intercourse, and maybe that would help you.
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