Anonymous asked this question on 4/22/2000:
I have been reading about your faith and enjoyed very much what Ive read. I'm a gay man living in the USA. What are your views on Homosexuality? Can I be A memeber of your faith with out changing? Thank you for any help.
cheyenne64 gave this response on 4/22/2000:
Paganism, in general,is fairly tolerant of homosexuality, so I doubt that you will encounter a great deal of animosity from those that are "pagan". That being said, there are those that take the Wiccan concept of male/female, god/goddess as being the one true and only way to do rituals. Faery (yes, that is the correct spelling) Wicca can be quite accepting of homosexuality. Seek out others in your area that would know of faery wiccans, you may be surprised!
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