Scientology® Versus
Stacy Moxon (Meyer)

Fact and speculation follows. The facts are that Stacy Moxon died at "Gold Base" very unusually; the speculation concerns why she died, and if the crime syndicate had ordered her into danger as punishment (i.e., a "lower condition"). Perhaps she wanted to leave Scientology®. Perhaps she had =TRIED= to leave and was forcefully retained against her will. Since these are mere speculations, the pages here are therefore presented for what they are: the author's OPINIONS, and are not presented as factual. Only time and further investigation (which is occuring) will pull out the facts from speculation.
tabayoyon.htm First off: data about the cult's compound where Ms. Moxon was killed. This is the Declaration of Andre Tabayoyon, which describes "Gold Base" physically, and describes what it is like living there. This will give you, the reader, an idea of what Stacy Moxon's life was like.
Death Certificate This .JPG image is high resolution, and is therefore 1,248,887 bytes. The body ashes were burried at sea (listed under "Final Disposition") after cremation.
accid.htm "RPE: Myer death accidental."
coronor-log.htm "Coroner's Log."
death1.htm "Woman's death probed by state."
death2.htm "Scientologist accident victim is identified."
dr-affidavit-kh.htm "AFFIDAVIT --- DAVID M. RICE. CASE # HEMO 14371." Mentions the death of Stacey Moxon.
elect.htm "Scientologist electrocuted."
faq.htm "Transformer Vault FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)."
kh008.htm "Incomplete draft declaration." Human rights activist Keith Henson included a paragraph about Ms. Moxon in one of his Declarations: "This death is particularly disturbing since Scientology is well known for confining people in dangerous industrial spaces such as chain lockers on ships."
kh012.htm "Tuesday at gold base (Hemet)." Human rights activist Keith Henson picketing the deaths at "Gold Base."
kh050.htm "I was in Hemet Friday." Human rights activist Keith Henson acquiring OSHA reports.
meyer.htm "Re: Meyer was Moxon's daughter?!"
meyer2.htm "The GOLD accident"
Images of the OSHA report on the accident. There are several suspicious statements in this report. See the link to stacy-moxon-meyer.htm below for the discussion on this report by human rights activists on the internet.
stacy-moxon-meyer.htm "Stacy Moxon Meyer Electrocution Death - Outpoints in OSHA Report"
sm-kh01.htm "A Young Woman Died At the cult's Gold Base in Hemet." Human rights activist Keith Henson reporting on his protest of deaths at "Gold Base."
sm-kh02.htm "The cult is letting out information about their internal state." Human rights activist Keith Henson reporting on his protest of deaths at "Gold Base."
sm-kh03.htm "gold base is in a serious non-confront/hiding mode." Human rights activist Keith Henson reporting on his protest of deaths at "Gold Base."
sm-kh04.htm "They are taking some [people] across the road in vans." Human rights activist Keith Henson reporting on his protest of deaths at "Gold Base."
sm-kh05.htm "Due to other entheta activities, I was not out there till about 8:20 or so." Human rights activist Keith Henson reporting on his protest of deaths at "Gold Base."
sm-kh06.htm "You can tell when they are demoralized when they don't even track you with the cameras." Human rights activist Keith Henson reporting on his protest of deaths at "Gold Base."
sm-kh07.htm "Sat was the best yet." Human rights activist Keith Henson reporting on his protest of deaths at "Gold Base."
sm-kh08.htm "Relatively exciting day (Sunday)." Human rights activist Keith Henson reporting on his protest of deaths at "Gold Base."
sm-kh09.htm "picket, Gold Base, 6/25/00" Human rights activist Barb Warr reporting on his protest of deaths at "Gold Base."
sm-kh10.htm "Revenge picket report June 24,2000 FRice: Neighborhood Hero." Human rights activist David Rice reporting on "revenge picket" in retaliation for protesting the deaths at "Gold Base."
sm-kh11.htm "Scientologist electrocuted." Human rights activist David Rice wrote a letter to a newspaper discussing what he observed at the time Stacey Moxon was dying.
sm-kh12.htm "Re: NEWS: Bizarre accident at Golden Era Studios"
sm-kh13.htm "No rational SANE person would crawl down into a transformer closet."
sm-kh14.htm "Note to Gold Base / Hemet." Human rights activist David Rice wrote a letter to Ken Hoden concerning Keith Henson.
sm-kh15.htm "Picket--gold base." Human rights activist Keith Henson reporting on his protest of deaths at "Gold Base."
stacy-mayer2.htm "More about Stacey Myer / Moxon. E-mail just received."
stacy_moxon1.htm "Transformer Vault = Chain Locker Room"
stacy_moxon3.htm "DON'T LET STACY MEYER DIE IN VAIN"
stacy_moxon4.htm "How does it feel to work for the man who killed your daughter?" Roland speculated that OSA's first plan was to place the body in a car and set it on fire.
stacy_moxon5.htm "Moxon - your daughter." Most human rights activists on the internet think the author of this letter "went too far" in castigating Stacy Moxon's father since the father is also untimately a victim of Scientology.
stacy_moxon6.htm "Stacy Meyer's death"
sm-cronors.htm FINAL DIAGNOSES: I. Electrocution (anamnestic)
  • sm-kh016.htm Re: Amicus, second draft
  • sm-hide.htm Did Scientology Inc. try to hide the actual cause of death?